The Three Advantages of Adding ELDs for Commercial Trucking Companies


If you manage a fleet of commercial trucks, you are aware of how difficult it can be to track them. Managing driver hours of service (HOS) and sticking to Department of Transportation (DOT) standards has become vastly simpler with the use of electronic logging devices (ELDs).

This blog post discusses three advantages of using ELD Canada for commercial trucking.

1- Improved compliance and reduced penalties

One of the main benefits of using an ELD Service is to help a trucker comply with all the DOT regulations. By accurately tracking HOS, ELD can ensure drivers do not exceed maximum driving time and take mandatory breaks. As a result, companies using ELDs are less likely to face fines and penalties for violations.

2- Increase efficiency and productivity

ELDs also help transportation companies increase efficiency and productivity. ELD can reduce the administrative burden on drivers and back-office staff by automating the tracking of HOS and other regulatory requirements. This allows drivers to focus on driving and delivering goods instead of paperwork and data entry.

In addition, ELD Canada can provide real-time data on driver location and status, allowing businesses to optimize routes and allocate distributions more efficiently.

3. Improving driver and public safety

Finally, ELDs can improve driver and public safety. By accurately tracking a driver's HOS, ELD can prevent driver fatigue, a leading cause of road accidents. ELD Service can also provide real-time vehicle performance data, allowing organizations to spot potential maintenance issues before they become serious safety concerns.

In summary,

There are many benefits to using an ELD service for commercial trucking. If you run a shipping company and haven’t implemented ELD yet, it might be time to look into its benefits.

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